Faith Driven Entrepreneur & Investor Live
Watch Party in Boise, ID
2020 was a lonely year for all of us, so this year, we aren’t going to attend the conferences alone. There will be hundreds of Watch Parties in cities all over the world to tune into the conference. Join us!
Network with Christian Entrepreneurs & Investors
Grown in Your Marketplace Witness
Fulfill Your God-Given Purpose

Business Coach &
Kevin helps coachable and ambitious leaders go from worker bee to CEO so they can achieve their dreams and enjoy the journey.

Family Man, Entrepreneur, Marketing & Real Estate
Entrepreneur and CEO with more than 15 years of experience in real estate, marketing and business development.

Senior Vice President at Burnham Benefits
Experience working with a variety of clients, from early stage companies to publicly traded organizations.

Chief Deputy Secretary
of State
Over 20 years of experience in diverse fields, with a broad set of skills with a solid combination of width and depth.
Think of the two-day virtual conference as a family reunion for the Faith Driven movement spanning over 140 different countries…without the barbecue (probably).
Entrepreneurs are gathering in 200 cities across the globe, and you’re invited to join others who are on your same journey. Whether this conference serves as your first steps as an entrepreneur or merely a rest stop, you are a part of a movement…and it’s growing.
My Faith Driven Entrepreneur
and Investor Watch Party
- When: September 8th and 9th at 9:30 am MDT
- Where: Underhill Garden, Boise, ID
- What: The two-day virtual conference is a family reunion of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur and Investor movement to gather entrepreneurs and investors in cities all around the world.
Entrepreneurship is a lonely journey. But it doesn’t have to be.
Last year was a lonely year for everyone.
On top of a global pandemic, being an entrepreneur means you’re already on the road less travelled. In a season that defaults to loneliness, we’re all craving to be together again.
In order to reunite the family of Faith Driven Entrepreneurs & Investors worldwide, we’re activating 100 cities with local Watch Parties to stream Faith Driven Entrepreneur & Investor Live. This is a chance for people who are passionate about the movement to join these Watch Parties in their respective cities. Yes, we’re looking at you, entrepreneur!
You don’t have to do it alone. This is a chance to experience the community we all crave.


Donald Miller
CEO of StoryBrand and New York Times bestselling author of Building a Story Brand, Blue Like Jazz, and many more – collectively his books have spent more than a year on the New York Times Bestsellers list

Ally Davidson

Andy Stanley

John Mark Comer

Seth Dillon

Chris Hodges

Jaylon Smith
NFL Star for the Dallas Cowboys, Entrepreneur, Investor and Founder of Minority Entrepreneurship Institute

Pat Lencioni

Stephen Mansfield

Renji Bijoy

Brian Roland

J.D. Greear

Casey Crawford

Henry Kaestner

Dave Blanchard

Jessica Kim

Marcus Stroud

Lara Casey

Chris Carneal

Mike Sharrow

Noeline Kirabo

Collin Timms

Dee Ann Turner

Tony White

Wendy Rogers

Luke Dooley

Bertie Lourens

Kelsey Carroll

Manuel Zamudio

Bill Job

Jordan Peace
How do I “attend” the conference this year?
While Faith Driven Entrepreneur & Investor Live is an online event, we don’t want anyone watching alone! That’s why we’re hosting 300 Watch Parties in cities across the globe so that you can watch the livestream in community with other Faith Driven Entrepreneurs and Investors.
How much does it cost to attend?
Individual tickets to the Faith Driven Entrepreneur or Investor Live conference are $59 for the next 500 registrants, then increases to $99/registrant. We also offer a combo pass for $99 that grants access to both events on September 8 and 9.
Will the event be recorded so I can view it again after the event?
We are encouraging everyone to watch live with others in their cities on September 8 or 9. That being said, we know conflicts will come up, so we’ll make a recording of the conference available to registrants to watch later and even share with a friend.
Do you offer refunds?
Tickets are transferable, but non-refundable, in the event you can no longer attend.
I’m an entrepreneur. Can I attend Faith Driven Investor Live too?
Yes! Both conferences are available for anyone with an interest in this movement to attend. It is important to note that this is not a place to solicit funding. We will have breakout sessions specific to your work in order to share practical, relevant content with you. instructions to do just that.