Faith Driven Entrepreneur Session 8 – Global Movement
This content was originally shared by Faith Driven Entrepreneur
In the previous session, we talked about the importance of allowing our identity in Christ to form the way we make our decisions. When we know our true identity, we can love and serve others well through our work, which is the key to living a meaningful life.
In the final session, J.D. wraps up the series by discussing how God wants our lives and our talents to be part of the greatest cause on earth—the Great Commission.
The Great Commission is found in Matthew 28:19–20 where Jesus commands the disciples to go and make other disciples of all nations. J.D. asked, “As a follower of Jesus, how can my faith-driven entrepreneurial exploits serve the Great Commission?” How would you answer this question? What are some ways you’ve been able to fulfill the Great Commission so thus far?
What places has your business taken you in the past that you weren’t expecting? How have you seen your business become a place where people can see the love of Jesus, even without realizing it?
As believers, we are all expected to take part in the Great Commission, whether we work in a church building or as a small business owner. J.D. talked about the lives that were changed through the ordinary marketplace, men and women in the book of Acts. In what ways does the book of Acts show us how significant the average business owner is in spreading the gospel?
J.D. talked about the 10/40 window—the area of the world with the least access to the Christian message. Spreading the love of Christ through ordinary work in the 10/40 window can be just as effective as traditional missions because everyone needs goods and services. What could it look like for you to be a disciple who makes disciples in your current industry?
Explore the Principles Further
J.D gave some statistics concerning the number of missionaries, the number of Americans, and how many people could be influenced based on those numbers. How do these statistics change your perspective about the importance of Christians in the marketplace? How could you encourage someone else this week about the role they play in impacting others through their business?
J.D. told us the history of William Tyndale and Henry Monmouth and how a small gesture made a huge impact on the world, something we all experience hundreds of years later. After hearing their story, how has your perspective changed about the ways the gospel can be spread through businesses?
How could the story of Tyndale and Monmouth help someone who feels like they aren’t impacting the world due to their “secular” job? In what ways does their story show us how working for a church isn’t the only way to be part of the Great Commission?
What could it look like for you to take what you’ve learned from this series and begin to implement it this week? What are some first steps or initial decisions you could make to apply what you’ve learned?
Apply What You’ve Learned
Memorize: Memorize Matthew 28:19–20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Write it Down: Write down three takeaways from this series on sticky notes. Tape them up where you can see them every day and strive to implement those takeaways as often as you can.
Interact: Single out one or two employees or co-workers to disciple. Show them the love of Christ and pray for them weekly.
Act Differently: Change your thinking around the ability to be part of the Great Commission in your entrepreneurial journey. Work on seeing every business decision as a way to further the gospel to anyone that is impacted by your business.
Join here the Interest List for an upcoming Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group led by Coach Kevin.
For a deeper dive on the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Sessions, download the Printable Handouts: